Infants & Toddlers
Well-educated , knowledgeable, and nurturing teachers are some of the keys to a positive outcome for children. LACC is committed to providing an early child care environment that will enable children to learn social and emotional skills essential to success in school.
- AGES 0 – 2 Years
Fully skilled staff and teachers to get your child ready for primary school
Matrix Early Head Start
Matrix Early Head Start (Matrix) Provides a free comprehensive early learning pre-school education to children (Birth to 3 years old) of qualifying families who reside in the city of Detroit. For qualifying infants, free diapers, wipes and formula are provided.
- AGES 0 – 3 Years
Over 30 Years Experience in the child care and development world
Our programs provide nurturing care and early childhood education.
The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) is a 4 year-old preschool program (for children who are 4 on or before December 1st) which is free to qualifying families who reside in Wayne County. GSRP is a full-day, four-day-a-week preschool program.
- 4 Years Old
High Scope Curriculum with hands-on learning.